Akpoveta’s-led Delta Contributory Health Commission boosts access to healthcare for Vulnerable Individuals


With determination to achieve the overall objective of ensuring universal health coverage, the Delta State government has solicited for the need to increase the enrollment for health insurance scheme in the State.

The Director-General of Delta State Contributory Health Commission (DSCHC), Olorogun Dr Isaac Akpoveta, made the call on the occasion of the Flag-Off/Distribution of Health Insurance Cards to the Indigent Enrollee Adoption Initiative Adoptees of the Oganihu Umu Ogbekenu Foundation in Onicha-Olona Community on Monday April 1st, 2024, in Aniocha North LGA Of Delta State.

While saying the DSCHC is determined to shore up the number of enrollees from the over two million to a higher number for the interest of Deltans before the end of the year, Dr. Akpoveta noted that he was immensely delighted to stand before the gathering to celebrate the remarkable generosity and compassion of the Oganihu Umu Ogbekenu Foundation that had set a shining example for all to follow.

“The adoption and purchase of health insurance for 100 vulnerable individuals in your community in response to the clarion call of the DSCHC to all people of goodwill to key into the Indigent Enrollee Adoption Initiative of the commission is not just an act of charity; it is demonstration of profound empathy and a tangible commitment to the well-being of our people.” He added.

The D-G  asserted that “the Indigent Enrollee Adoption Initiative, pioneered by the DSCHC, aims to ensure that every resident, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality healthcare. It is heartening to see the spirit of solidarity and community support exemplified by this foundation, whose noble gesture will provide essential health coverage for those who need it most. With just N7000 per person you can purchase our health insurance card for your neighbor to access quality health care throughout the year. This is exactly what the Oganihu Umu Ogbekenu Foundation has just done, and the reason we are here today.

“Healthcare should not be a luxury reserved for the privileged few; it is a fundamental human right that must be guaranteed to all. By stepping forward to adopt enrollees and purchase health insurance for the vulnerable members of your community, this foundation has demonstrated a profound understanding of this principle and shown us the power of collective action in creating positive change.”

While disclosing that an enrollee can have access to treatment of over 80 percent of prevailing ailments including malaria, diabetes, hypertension, cough, catarrh, among others with surgeries where necessary, Dr. Akpoveta charged the public particularly well to do Deltans to be inspired by the selflessness and dedication of the Foundation.

“Let us all take up the mantle of responsibility and join hands in supporting our fellow community members who are in need. Whether through philanthropic initiatives, volunteering, or advocacy, there are countless ways in which we can contribute to the well-being of those around us.

“Together, we can build a more inclusive and compassionate society where everyone has the opportunity to live a healthy and dignified life. Let us seize this moment as a call to action, a reminder that our collective strength lies in our ability to care for one another and uplift those who are less fortunate. This is what the M.0.R.E. Agenda of the Oborevwori administration stands for. Think M.O.RE. And do more for your neighbor.” The D-G of DSCHC asserted while addressing Onicha-Olona people.

Dr. Akpoveta noted that the journey towards ensuring that the most Vulnerable members of our society have access to quality healthcare services was a testament to DSCHC unwavering commitment to leaving no one behind in the pursuit of universal healthcare coverage in Delta State.

“As you have seen today the indigent enrollee adoption initiative underscores the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing healthcare disparities. Through this initiative, we aim to provide comprehensive healthcare coverage to indigent individuals, thereby improving their health outcomes and promoting social equity within our communities.” He stated.

In their individual separate remarks, including the Director of Oganihu Umu Ogbukene Foundation, they commended the D-G and his team for enrolling their Enrollees and coming to distribute the Health Insurance Card to their Vulnerable Individuals within a short time.

They noted that despite the tight schedules of Dr Akpoveta and when he was supposed to be celebrating Easter with his family, he opted to come to Onicha-Olona to distribute Health Insurance Cards and awareness campaign to sensitize the community.

The highlights of the program were the distribution of cards to Enrollees, sensitization and conferment/ presentation of plaque of honour as Health Insurance Ambassador of Delta State to the Directorship of the Oganihu Umu Ogbukene Foundation.

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