Athletes to enjoy exclusive services at Paris 2024

Athlete digital engagement

Terho provided an update to the IOC EB on athlete engagement digitally, starting with the launch of the Athlete365 app, which will be launched prior to Paris 2024. It will complement the Athlete365 web community (where over 170,000 elite athletes, Olympians and athletes’ entourage members have registered), and will become the primary place for athletes to find all the Games-time information, access the learning courses and discover all the programmes developed for them.

Strengthening athlete representation

Finally, Terho reported to the IOC EB about the IOC AC’s efforts in representing athletes: “The IOC AC remains constantly involved in decision making through the various commissions and working groups that its members are part of. The IOC AC members meet on a monthly basis to discuss the development of its ongoing work and the current issues facing the athlete community.” 

Additionally, to strengthen and empower the athlete network, the IOC AC has planned a targeted approach to support National Olympic Committees’ and International Federations’ ACs to be more active and engaged. A number of ACs that need the most help has been identified and a tailored approach to support them has been developed. Since March 2024, IOC AC members have met and engaged with over 35 ACs to support their work.

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