Assisted partner services for people who inject drugs in Kenya boost HIV testing and aid linkage to care

Assisted partner services, which contact partners of people with HIV and invite them for testing, are…

Innovative blood test boosts accuracy of lung cancer screening

In a recent study published in Cancer Discovery, researchers developed and validated a blood-based, cell-free deoxyribonucleic…

Doctors dismiss Facebook posts touting popular Philippine chilli as ‘dengue cure’

Screenshot of the false Facebook post, captured on June 4, 2024 Near identical claims have been…

Tips on how you can keep your summer holidays trouble free

SUMMER has finally arrived and people up and down the country are relishing the prospect of…

From muscle pain to tooth loss: 9 signs of vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is an essential nutrient for our health. It is useful for keeping bones healthy…

With 100M birds dead, poultry industry could serve as example as dairy farmers confront bird flu

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — As the U.S. dairy industry confronts a bird flu outbreak, with…

‘Headache in morning hours, weakness in limbs, vertigo are warning signs’ | Chandigarh News

The International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR) has stated that around 28,000 people are diagnosed with…

Huntington’s Disease Goes Beyond Nerve Cells

Huntington’s disease causes neurons in parts of the brain to gradually break down and die. The…

Fluorescent Minibody Tracer Helps Surgeons Detect Prostate Cancer Cells during Surgery

A first-in-man study, headed by teams at the Nuffield department of surgical sciences and the department…

Precision-guided treatment boosts outcomes in children with high-risk cancers

A recent Nature Medicine study investigates the effectiveness of precision-guided treatment (PGT) in children at a…