Passengers safe as Abuja-Kaduna train derails

The Nigerian Railway Corporation (NRC) has said all passengers on a train involved in a “minor derailment” at the Jere station in Kaduna State on Sunday are safe.

It said the train services between Kaduna-Rigasa and Idu-Abuja will continue as scheduled.

In a statement on Sunday, the NRC Deputy Director of Public Relations, Yakubu Mahmood, said the accident occurred about an hour after the train departed from Kaduna at 8:05 a.m. The derailment caused three carriages to go off the tracks.

“All passengers on board the Kaduna-Rigasa to Idu-Abuja train arrived at their respective destinations safely. Meanwhile, a team of NRC engineers is already at the site to restore the affected locations.

Train involved in a "minor derailment" at the Jere station in Kaduna State

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“The management of the Nigerian Railway Corporation hereby informs the general public, especially our valued passengers, that normal passenger train services between Kaduna-Rigasa and Idu-Abuja continue despite the minor derailment of our coach at Jere station this morning,” Mr Mahmood said.

He apologised for any inconveniences caused by the incident and reaffirmed the NRC’s commitment to passenger safety and comfort.

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“Nigerian Railway Corporation Management regrets any inconveniences to our affected valued passengers. NRC wishes to assure our valued passengers of our efforts towards ensuring their safety and comfort always,” he said.

The Abuja-Kaduna train was the same one fatally attacked by bandits in 2022.

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PREMIUM TIMES reported the attack on 28 March 2022 when bandits ambushed the train heading to Kaduna from Abuja after bombing its rail track.

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The government has since announced that it has put safety measures in place to prevent such attacks in the future.


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