Peter obi: Taxation is an investment

Tax is a compulsory levy imposed on a subject or upon his property by the government to provide security, social amenities and create conditions for the economic well-being of the society.
Mr Peter Obi has advised the present Nigerian government that instead of milking its citizens, it should invest in it, he had advised taxation as an investment.
Tax is a major sources of government revenue all over the world. Government use tax proceeds to render their traditional functions, such as provisions of public goods, maintenance of law and order, defense against external aggression, regulation of trade and business to ensure social and economic maintenance so this implies that taxation is an investment.
High taxes are bad for economic growth. This is because, it discourages new  incentives, by distorting investment decisions because the tax code makes some form of investments profitable more than others or by discouraging work effort and workers acquisition of skills

In Nigerian we have about 90 million persons who are jobless, not doing anything. The government first has to invest in Nigerians.

This can be done by investing in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES). For instance, in bank one cannot withdraw money without paying in. Nigeria Government needs to invest in its people, which the money spent can be recovered through taxation

If there is no valid job investment, no legitimate tax can be imposed, so this the government has to create meaningful to be able to generate tax revenue.

The need for tax payments has been a phenomenon of global significance as it affects every economy positively  irrespective of national differences.

it is recommended that the government of Nigeria should use taxation to achieve its set target that will enhance economic growth and development

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