Why couples avoid talking about financial issues — and how to change

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What successful couples do differently

Talking about personal finances is almost as hard for people to talk about as sex, survey finds

Communication avoidance may also contribute to financial infidelity, where a partner will withhold or hide financial information from their partner. The instinct to hide information may also be a strategy to avoid a fight, Garbinsky said.

Over time, a lack of communication — whether it be simple avoidance or financial infidelity — can harm a relationship.

“If you’re not talking and if you’re hiding things from your partner, it is having negative effects on your relationship quality over time,” Garbinsky said.

How to find a ‘middle ground’

To get past a money stalemate in a relationship, it helps to first acknowledge that it’s human, said Jude Boudreaux, a certified financial planner who is a partner and senior financial planner with The Planning Center in New Orleans.

Often people develop a way of approaching money based on their past and what makes them feel most comfortable, said Boudreaux, who is also a member of the CNBC FA Council. For example, growing up without a lot of money may lead someone to want to have a large savings cushion as an adult.

But rarely do savers marry other savers or spenders marry other spenders, Boudreaux said.

To start to unravel financial conflict, it helps to backtrack and talk about the money memories each partner has and how that shapes their feelings about money now, he said.

It also helps to frame possible decisions in a way that helps each partner feel at ease, Boudreaux said. That includes asking questions like, “What are ways that you might feel more comfortable if we were to make these decisions?” and “What would you need to feel heard going into this conversation, and then to be able to feel confidence coming out of it?”

After years of mediating these kinds of conversations for couple clients, Boudreaux said it’s important to go in with an optimistic approach. While one partner can take steps to be more conservative, the other may agree to be a little more aggressive.

“Often there’s a middle ground,” Boudreaux said.

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