Bobrisky: She-male don turn man for court

Nigerian cross-dresser Idris Okuneye, popularly known as Bobrisky has been sentenced to six months in prison.

Delivering the judgement on Friday, Justice Abimbola Awogboro of the Federal High Court in Lagos, gave the convict no option of fine.

Before his sentence to a six months jail term for Naira mutilation, he admitted to being a male during his appearance at the Federal High Court in Lagos State, on Friday.

Justice Abimbola Awogboro sentenced him to six months imprisonment without the option of a fine for abusing the naira.

Awogboro said the judgment would be a deterrent to others who are found abusing and mutilating the naira.

Bobrisky had last Friday, after his conviction, pleaded with the court to give him a lesser punishment as he was not aware of the law of abusing the naira. He said that he is a social media influencer with over five million followers.

The cross dresser has earlier  begged the court that he was ignorant  of the law of abusing the naira. The judge then told him that ignorance of the law was not an excuse.

He said, “I know, My Lord. My Lord, I wish that you could give me a second chance to use my platform to inform and educate my followers about spraying money.

Meanwhile, Justice Rahman Oshodi of an Ikeja Special Offences Court also on Friday granted former Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) Governor Godwin Emefiele N50 million bail.

Emefiele is facing a 26-count charge bordering on alleged abuse of office and fraud to the tune of $4.5 billion and N2.8 billion.

Justice Oshodi, in his ruling, admitted Emefiele to a N50 million bail with two sureties in like sum.

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