Hush Money Trial: First Ever UN President to undergo trial

The former United States President, Donald Trump is set to begin on Monday, as he becomes the first serving or former president in the nation’s history to go on trial.

The set hush-money trial  will take place in a New York City courtroom and might have an impact on his 2024 election rematch with President Joe Biden

Trump is charged with 34 counts of falsifying business records. He has denied the affair with the adult film actress and pleaded not guilty to the charges, which he says are politically motivated..

The Republican 2024 presidential candidate in a recent post on social media on Sunday, also labelled the judge of the case “conflicted” and described his trial as “election interference.”

Speaking via his verified social media handle, Trump wrote : “Just four years ago I was a very popular and successful President of the United States, getting more votes than any sitting President in history.

“Tomorrow morning I’ll be in Criminal Court, before a totally conflicted Judge, a Corrupt Prosecutor, a Legal System in CHAOS, a State being overrun by violent crime and corruption, and Crooked Joe Biden’s henchmen “Rigging the System” against his Political Opponent, ME! I will be fighting for myself but, much more importantly, I will be fighting for our Country. Election Interference like this has never happened in the USA before and, hopefully, will never happen again.

“We are now a Nation in serious Decline, a Failing Nation, but we will soon be a Great Nation Again. November 5th will be the most important day in the History of the United States. MAGA2024! SEE YOU TOMORROW.”

Trump posted on his verified  Social media account, “When I walk into that courtroom, I know I will have the love of 200 million Americans behind me, and I will be FIGHTING for the FREEDOM of 325 MILLION AMERICANS.

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