Matrimony: Is marrying a church boy/girl enough?

The church is supposed to be the best place to find a love partner, with this conditions. but right now there a lot of  controversy surrounding the church, as a lot of believers tends to be pretenders, in quote “wolf in sheep clothing“.

Marriage is a life long commitment, that requires love, patience, understanding, and unity most importantly, while picking a life partners this are some of the most important things to look out for.

Marrying someone because he/she is from the same religious denomination as you, is definitely going to hit rock bottom, as that alone is not a yardstick to a life long marriage.

If you find love in the church, you love the person and also the person love you in return, good, but most importantly you both love God and share the same beliefs.

Truth is that many have found good life partner for theme selves outside the church and lived a well fulfilled marriage life but the best marriage is one built with God, and also finding oneself in the self

It’s not about marrying an Unbeliever,is about finding the right person for yourself, one that complements you, who above everything will still choose you irrespective of what may come

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