Military massacre : Delta State communal clash

According to the spokesman of the Defense Headquarters, Brig. General Tukur Gusua, the soldiers were killed on Thursday 14th March 2024.

His statement reads as follows: The troops from the 181 Amphibious Battalion deployed in the Bomadi region,  while on a peace mission to Okuoma community in Bomadi LGA of Delta State, were surrounded by some community youths and killed on Thursday.

“The reinforcement team led by the commanding officer was also attacked, leading to the death of the commanding officer, two majors, one captain and 12 soldiers,” he said.

Defence high command has ordered a total crackdown on youths who murdered 15 of its personnel in Bomadi Local Council of Delta State. The action of the youths has triggered anger in military headquarters Abuja, with the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS), General Christopher Gwabin Musa, directing the immediate investigation of the incident and arrest of those involved in the heinous crime.

However, the vice president general of the Okuama community, David Akata, has accused the Nigerian Army of invasion of the community, saying that the“unknown gunmen” who turned out to be Nigerian Army personnel, shot sporadically at anyone in sight leaving three indigenes dead and several others injured. He claimed that his community recorded three casualties with many others injured and houses set ablaze as the armed men in military uniforms wreaked havoc on the community from a speedboat.

“The armed men suspected to be Nigerian Army personnel on Friday, March 15, 2024, carried out the genocide on the citizens of the community by setting their buildings and properties ablaze with chanting of war songs.

“We woke up to see our community surrounded with men in military uniform numbering in their tens; and without no reason, they started shooting at sight leading to the death of three promising youths of the community and several others injured from gun bullets. The same military men repeated their genocide actions on the innocent and law-abiding citizens of Okuama community on Friday, March 15, 2024, leaving many buildings to the rubbles as they carried offensive arson on the community buildings.

“As I speak, the number of persons who died in the barbaric attack could “As I speak, the number of persons who died in the barbaric attack could not be ascertained as many of the aged men, women and youths fled into nearby bushes and we suspect that some women and children might have drowned in the river because many ran into the river out of panic.

“It is disheartening that the Delta State government and security operatives in the state, with a lackadaisical approach, have not been able to quell the crisis between the two communities. We entered a peace accord with the state government and security operatives in the state.

“We stand by the accord but often times the Okoloba people harassed our people by assaulting them, and our pleas on the state government to expedite action and call the Okolobians to order fell on deaf ears; allowing the Okoloba community people to use their mercenaries in military uniforms and bandits to kill our people.


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