Prince Harry’s ‘permanent look of bitterness’ as he awaits apology | Royal | News

Prince Harry has a “permanent look of bitterness” which was obvious on his and Meghan Markle’s Nigeria trip, an expert has claimed, as he reportedly still wants his an apology from his family.

The couple’s tour of the country was viewed as a success by the Nigerians, however some royal circles have been critical of its close resemblance to an official royal tour.

Harry and Meghan stepped down as working royals in 2020 and as such no longer carry out royal duties, nor can they represent the Firm abroad.

Royal author Tom Quinn explained to The Mirror: “Harry and Megan see their recent trip to Nigeria as a huge success, but for Harry every success is another kind of failure while his family refuse to acknowledge his efforts and steadfastly refuse to apologise for everything that had happened in the past.

“In Nigeria and even with Meghan at his side and regularly holding his hand he still has a permanent look of bitterness on his face.”

The Mirror also reported that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have further trips planned, which is unlikely to endear them to the royals any more.

Lynn Carratt from Press Box PR explained: “These faux-royal tours could deepen their rift with the Royal Family, if not handled correctly. Their Nigerian tour bared all that hallmarks of a royal tour which was said to [have] infuriated the Palace.”

A source revealed that another West African nation could be next on the list, as they said: “There is already a lot of talk and excitement in Ghana, everyone is so keen for Harry and Meghan to come and experience the great culture and warmth.”

“Several top names have already visited Ghana in recent years from Ed Sheeran, Naomi Campbell and One Direction’s Liam Payne. Idris Elba, who DJ’d at Harry and Meghan’s wedding is a regular too, he is part-Ghanaian and loves spending time ‘back home.’

“Harry certainly won’t be short of people to show him around and they will certainly roll out the red carpet for him, drafting in some of the finest Afro-beats performers to welcome him and his family. So perhaps it is only a matter of time before Harry and Meghan come out, and sample the famous jollof rice!”

However Ghana does not currently send participants to the Invictus Games, a major factor behind Harry and Meghan’s visit to Nigeria.

The couple were invited to visit Nigeria by the country’s Chief of Defence Staff during the last Invictus Games in Germany, the first time Nigeria had participated in the tournament.

Meghan also shared on her podcast Archetypes that she is 43 percent of Nigerian heritage and said it had been “humbling” to learn more about her background.

She said in an address: “Never in a million years would I understand it as much as I do now. And what has been echoed so much in the past day is, ’Oh, we are not so surprised when we found out you are Nigerian.’

“It is a compliment to you because what they define as a Nigerian woman is brave, resilient, courageous, beautiful.”

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